Ascension began proclaiming the Good News about Jesus in Montreal in 1929. Originally formed by Slovak Lutherans settling in Canada’s largest metropolis, the congregation has transitioned to be an international group of Christian disciples from all around the globe.
As a member congregation of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, Ascension confesses that the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, profitable for instruction in God’s promises and his commands. We also confess that the collection of creeds and statements known as The Book of Concord are a faithful exposition of the Word of God.
All members of the congregation – those who are baptized and receive the Lord’s Supper – pledge that the teachings in Luther’s Small Catechism are a good summary of the teachings of the Bible. Read through it for yourself.

Our current missionary pastor is Rev. Charles St-Onge. Originally from Ottawa, Pastor Charles has served parishes in Philadelphia and Houston, and worked in Asia and the Caribbean as a missionary. He also has his own website, InTheWay, where he posts regular updates on his mission work.